Venting to cool off a bit

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a good day (unlike me).

These past days I've having those kind of special days where everything has to go wrong at some point. Yesterday I woke up to a flat tire, and also my freezer started making loud fan noise and don't know what it is (it comes and goes). Five days ago a membership to this math 6 tutor service (I subscribed for my niece b/c needed help with math 6) got renewed automatically for 3 months and when I asked for a refund they said they will give me prorated refund because of the 5 days. But the cherry on top of this total lack of sundae was today, almost a week now without A/C, when technicians finally came to my apartment to fix it and treated me as if I didn't know how to operate a mini split and blamed it on me when at the end it was an electric glitch the issue an a hard reset was needed. They'd say things like "you have to hold the remote pointing directly to the unit and select cold air if you want cold air", like who doesn't know how to operate an A/C these days? Anyways, I'm back having A/C so I cooled off literally and metaphorically hehehe... there's something with my body temperature and my mood that have a direct correlation <_< .... huh I feel better now.

Stay cool and safe,
Last edited by SierraDaMoosh on Aug 12, 2022, 4:29:19 PM
Last bumped on Aug 24, 2022, 7:32:57 AM
May all who see this thread have lucky days.

Vegas was 112 degrees & August was destined for more dry heat.

I asked for rain & 3 days later it arrived. Like a Weather sorceress or something.

Wish I was able to use this native trick to make money appear out of thin air. Tho alas I have to get a lame street related job, not a fan.

It's been semi raining & lightning all week. Was suppose to be dry 114 heatwaves.

gl exile

100 people towns with hang out fields. Witcher taverns. Free hair style options. IRO War of Emperium gvg map.
Last edited by RuneLuthien on Aug 5, 2022, 2:53:13 PM
RuneLuthien wrote:
May all who see this thread have lucky days.

Vegas was 112 degrees & August was destined for more dry heat.

I asked for rain & 3 days later it arrived. Like a Weather sorceress or something.

Wish I was able to use this native trick to make money appear out of thin air. Tho alas I have to get a lame street related job, not a fan.

It's been semi raining & lightning all week. Was suppose to be dry 114 heatwaves.

gl exile

Mother nature always takes care of her people. Sometimes she tests their limits, like Chris Wilson from grinding gear games :)

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