Jewel Stash Tab

I loved the release of the Flask and Gem Stash Tabs. They are great additions to the roster of useful stash management tabs with their associated affinity. Now, I feel it's time to add another much more useful tab: The Jewel Stash Tab. It works like the two precursors, sorteable by the following catories:

- Normal Jewels: Cobald / Crimson / Virian Jewel

- Cluster Jewels: Small / Medium / Large Cluster Jewel

- Abyss Jewels: Ghastly / Hypnotic / Murderous Eye / Searing Eye Jewel

- Unique Jewels
Last edited by PraceAce on Dec 4, 2023, 6:15:22 AM
Last bumped on Mar 26, 2024, 8:40:09 AM
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List:
Very cool mirror Service:
The Good the Bad & the Ugly

Right now I have a tab almost full of jewels and running out of space very quickly.
I agree it would be nice to have a Jewel stash tab that acts the same as the gems & flask stash tabs.

I will definitely purchase it, if it gets released. :)

+1 dont limit it to 500 -.-
+1 have multiple stash tabs filled with only jewels
But would have to have a stock greater than 576 Jewels
today a quad tab is more intuitive to store gems for example in addition to storing more gems than the Gem Stash Tab can store, the same for a Jewel Stash Tab
Maybe 800+ spaces would be fair


Last edited by GnomoCS on Jul 9, 2022, 1:16:46 AM

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