Asking people in the guild and friends who play, they also have a problem with the drop rate.... See my item rarity and quantity (MF Build)
i have:
65% Quantiti
149% Rarity
+ no active flask in photo (gold flask)
+ my belt (1% increased Rarity of Items found per 15 Rampage Kills
MAPS have 204% Quantiti !!!!!!!!!! and 100% Rarity .......
best drop : regal orb....
Today I ran through 30 maps of 150+ quantiti and found nothing specific except 4 six link corrupted
What is this?
Photos under

Last edited by Borvir2k-YT#9869 on Jun 9, 2022, 10:00:11 AM Last bumped on Jun 10, 2022, 12:10:28 PM
Posted byBorvir2k-YT#9869on Jun 9, 2022, 9:58:17 AM
Similar here. No exalted dropped this league even... Does not matter what I try. If it's a new character (in case this one is cursed) or anything else. Nothing works nothing drops. This could be a reason of console player base being so low. No one is enjoying overpriced market, price fixers and no drops. GGG has to do something with this otherwise I'm quitting!
Posted byProStytutek#9641on Jun 9, 2022, 10:38:06 AM
Activate a Stalker or Pandemonium sentinel with Currency Rewards and it rains currency. Current league content / mechanics are (always) very rewarding.
Posted bysuperdreddie#9796on Jun 9, 2022, 11:08:18 AM
I am activating stalkers and same situation here for the last couple of days almost no drop.
And besides I did not receive cosmetics from playstation plus which I've acquired in PS Store (this season and sesons before that as well).
Posted byXemunek#9260on Jun 9, 2022, 11:12:35 AM
Quant and rarity doesn't mean you're getting hundreds of items per map, it's a returns over time type thing, 30 maps is far too small of a sample space to be basing results off of.
Posted bySoooo_Meaty#9755on Jun 10, 2022, 11:28:35 AM
natural exalt drops feel a bit low this league, I didn't have any until T16 maps. Usually I average 1ex per day doing 50+ maps.
strangely I've had 7 or 8 exalt drops in delve, way more than I'd expect based on how much delving I've done.
the quant game only works if you're super juicing density, and due to archnemesis I'm avoiding putting 2000+ monsters in a map. I have a feeling my lower drop rates (and slower XP climb) in maps are due to that.
do the league mechanic, favorite beach and spam the shit of the sentinels, they rain currency. I'm sitting on 100 exalts and 2500 chaos.
Posted byWG420#9730on Jun 10, 2022, 12:10:28 PM