Grim Reaper Apparition Effect only culling if YOU kill the enemy

I love the new effect and I would like to use it a lot more builds. Currently the Grim Reaper Apparition Effect only culls the monsters that you personally kill however if you are a minion player what your minion kills doesn't play the culling animation. Honestly I feel that the culling effect should play regardless as long as an enemy dies as a result of your actions.
Last bumped on May 21, 2022, 9:40:17 PM
This is what I wanted to learn.
Literally the most in theme builds for this MTX are minions and... they cant use it. No buy from me.
Please fix.
Yeah, this is why I stopped at the Savage Reaper Pack and didn't get the Sanguine Reaper Pack. If my minions could trigger it, then I'd get it just for that. If that changes, then I'll get it sometime next month.

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