I need a matching cape, please give me advice and ideas

I bought the Triumphant Liege Pack and the Wyrmlord Supporter Pack

i want a cloak

But POE doesn't have a fitting room

I am afraid that the matching after purchase will not be beautiful

I don't have that many points for me to buy a lot of cloak

I want to ask you guys to recommend me a cloak

It is better to attach a picture

Triumphant Liege set plus cloak and Wyrmlord Supporter Pack set plus cloak

I'm not a big fan of wings, but if you think his combination is very good, please give me suggestions

I really appreciate everyone giving me your valuable comments and pictures

My English is not good, this is using google translate, please forgive me
Last bumped on Apr 7, 2022, 5:28:03 PM

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