Chat weirdness and other oddities in Controller Support

With controller support enabled:

Opening chat does not focus the input field, so you can't press Enter and then immediately start typing. This notably completely breaks any hotkeys that use /commands and makes copying and pasting into the chat extremely tedious.

Chat also doesn't seem to remember the last person you were whispering when you open it.

Chat also seems to be maintaining two different states that it will swap between whenever you click inside of it?

I currently can't use controller to interact in any of the social tabs except for the guild tabs. The friends list, current party, public party, etc. don't accept any movement from the left stick or the Dpad.

Hitting the button to whisper a player from the social screen should close that interface and focus the chat. It currently opens the chat under that interface so you can't see that anything has happened.

I think this is everything I've encountered so far. Otherwise, this is working great.
Last bumped on May 6, 2022, 8:38:52 PM
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Bumping this because some of these items appear to have regressed after being fixed.

Most notably: Opening chat doesn't properly focus the chat in controller mode if there's already content inside the chat (like the name of a previous whisper, for ex)?

Chat also seems to be maintaining the two different states that it swaps between again.

I was pretty sure these were fixed in a previous patch and now they're back. This makes trade extremely tedious on controller mode.

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