What do you think of the new eldritch crafting?

Personally i'm a big fan and think it's a step in the right direction.
I've never really got into crafting before because it was just too complicated and expensive for me personally.
This however compared to other forms of crafting is relatively easy to understand and get started with, it's also decently powerful and reasonably cheap. I won't ever be making the best items in the game with it, but that's ok, i'll be making decent enough things that will be good enough for me.
It feels accessible for people like me while still having enough depth that the players with greater experience/knowledge can get even more out of it by combining it with other crafting methods to make really nice items.

I hope this is the future and it gets improved and expanded on going forward. Of course it could get nerfed or removed which would be sad because i'll never be able to craft item's the old way by getting the right base, with the right influence, with the right ilvl and then using several different crafting methods using a ton of expensive end game currency which i rarely see anyway.

How are you guys finding it so far?
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2022, 3:33:25 PM
The only thing I don't like about it is how it replaces any existing implicits, so that some bases (like astral plate) aren't good candidates for hitting with the new currencies. Add to that the fact that they also don't work on influenced or unique items, and it really limits the equipment pieces you are likely to use them on.

That said, the "enemies you've hit recently have reduced life regen" eater implicit on helms is a game changer IMO.
Unless there's super duper mods hidden in the highest tiers, it's mostly good for crafting mid game gear. Since it's also impossible to use the new influence to scour/chance uniques, it has further limited use. I see almost no instance in which the new influences outrank traditional double influenced items.

Sure, the ability to reroll prefixes or suffixes is useful for crafting rares on a tight budget, but I don't see using many of these items very late game.

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