Endless Heist HC SSF (DE007)

Endless Heist:
You begin in the Rogue Harbour and are unable to leave except to run Contracts and Blueprints. Contracts no longer cost Rogue Markers to run, and Contracts and Blueprints are available in large quantities so that you can play Heists non-stop.

Your character starts with two level 1 Contracts in their inventory. The display case at the end of a Contract is guaranteed to drop another Contract, scaling its area level with your character level. Enemies can also occasionally drop Contracts. If you ever run out, Adiyah has a stockpile of Contracts she'll sell you for bargain prices. From area level 50 onwards, Contract display cases will also have a chance to drop a Blueprint. Quest Contracts and Unique Contracts will not be available in this event.

Lilly Roth can sell you gems and accept divination card turn-ins. You start with unique items and extra Scrolls of Wisdom, and you gain passive skill points, Ascendancy passive skill points, and Kitava's curses as you level up.

  • Changing your Ascendancy Class has been disabled for the event.
  • Levelling multiple characters that reach the prize-thresholds can help your odds to win one of the random-draw microtransactions.
  • It's possible for players to win multiple of the random-draw prizes with one or more characters.
  • Dead characters will still be eligible for prizes.
  • Please do not delete your characters before prizes are awarded or they may not be eligible.
  • This race type is voided, characters cannot be migrated.

  • The top five players of each of the Ascendancy Classes will receive a Demigod's Authority (Unique Golden Blade).
  • Players who reach level 50 will receive an Atlantis Mystery Box. This prize is available only once per account for this type of event. Levelling multiple characters will not grant multiple mystery boxes.

The following prizes are available to players who meet specific level thresholds.
These prizes are shared with the other Endless Heist events. The winners will be chosen through random-draw
  • 1,000 players above level 60 will win the Scientist Footprints Effect
  • 1,000 players above level 60 will win the Azure Seraph Weapon Effect
  • 1,000 players above level 60 will win the Infernal Helmet
  • 1,000 players above level 70 will win the Divine Arcane Portal Effect
  • 1,000 players above level 70 will win the Havenwood Portal Effect
  • 1,000 players above level 70 will win the Sentinel Portal Effect
  • 700 players above level 80 will win the Harlequin Character Effect
  • 700 players above level 80 will win the Stormcaller Character Effect
  • 700 players above level 80 will win the Infernal Character Effect
  • 200 players above level 85 will win the Wasteland Warrior Armour Pack
  • 200 players above level 85 will win the Wrangler Armour Pack
  • 200 players above level 85 will win the Necrotic Armour Pack
  • 200 players above level 90 will win the Blackguard Cloak
  • 200 players above level 90 will win the Seraph Grace Wings
  • 200 players above level 90 will win the Rapture Back Attachment
  • 50 players above level 95 will win the Heartseeker Wings
  • 50 players above level 95 will win the Angelic Armour Pack
  • 50 players above level 95 will win the Automaton Herald Effect
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last bumped on Dec 28, 2021, 9:38:34 PM
Secret Tech Build™ lives again~

GG all, see you next race!
IGN: KoTao

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