Performance art creating a virtual traffic jam (not a real one)

obey - consume - marry and reproduce - submit - watch t.v. - trust the internet - conform - do not question authority - sleep - buy - do not think - die

Force always attracts men of low morality. - Albert Einstein
Last edited by ___Hengist___ on Oct 25, 2021, 12:57:47 PM
Last bumped on Nov 23, 2021, 8:06:35 AM
Man vs Machine: 1:0.
It's like going to a restaurant and putting mannequins on each table, so it's full and you eat alone in silence.

The best part is he did it outside of the Google Berlin building.

I want to live in a place like this where you could walk through the streets with a wheelbarrow full of phones without getting robbed

Need to find the guy who do this in the 50% of the streets of my city.
Last edited by burbigo3 on Dec 4, 2022, 5:40:52 PM

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