standard-unique stash tab complety wiped clean. and more...

Hi, GGG!

I am not very hopeful to see any result since i am on ps4 and not a 50k suscriber big streamer or a 2 millions dollars whale.

yes, my problem is on the title. I just wanted to know by how much uniques i was away from the 'all 4 one' trophy. I saw 0/1144 uniques away
from getting this trophy.

I play Path of Exile since synthesis league and now i want to do the platinum trophy but this league is destroying me by not giving any of the new QoL orbs despite having the HUGE debuff applied to flask for standard characters.

standard is for me the way to continue to play old build and continue some long term objective that i fixed for myself.

The game is bricked until you find a fix for this mess.
When a company dont support their own "OFFICIAL" event for ALL of its PLAYERS, they deserve to sink.
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2021, 5:16:45 PM
Butch3r_kush wrote:

I play Path of Exile since synthesis league and now i want to do the platinum trophy

You do not need to collect all uniques for Platinum.

The in-game achievements and the PSN trophies are not the same. There's some overlap, but they are not 100% the same.
I checked the requirement for the platinum trophy and sure i dont need 'all 4 one' trophy wich is ok for the platinum but it does not help my situation.

I litterally lost all of my uniques items on standard, wich is a lot of my time lost gathering them. expedition is a shitshow since i log on this league.

I only wish to get my uniques back but i fear its not possible.

Plus i lost all the 'removable-only' stashes from all previous leagues.(I care less about those but still...)

Its very demoralizing to see that everything i've gathered so far is just gone for good and all this for one very bad patch. What a waste!!!
When a company dont support their own "OFFICIAL" event for ALL of its PLAYERS, they deserve to sink.
Hi. You probably have "Hide Remove-only tabs" option enabled.
In stash you can press R3+Up to open options.

I see that you still have all your tabs and items.

omg i feel like an idiot! everything is where it belong, thanks for the information.

but could you display this command on the bottom of the screen(it is on top of the screen). i was confused as hell when i logged in this week.
When a company dont support their own "OFFICIAL" event for ALL of its PLAYERS, they deserve to sink.

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