Exsanguinate DoT pvp penalty is not enough

Just an opinion:

Speaking about DoT, the skill that can be stacked up to three times and which base damage can't be effectively mitigated outside of permanent Standard league — should be balanced around the average league player HP.

At T=2 you need only 100 000 DoT tooltip in order to deal 4855 pvp damage per second for 2+ seconds. "Endgame viable" Exsanguinate build can realisticly reach 600 000 DoT tooltip which translates to 14228 pvp DoT. (w/o consideration of "extra damage" from Pride, War Banner, Vulnerability i.e. at any distance from attacker)

Disregarding exceptional interaction of Exsanguinate with traps and mines, the damage is simply unmanageable.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last bumped on Sep 10, 2021, 3:17:06 PM

How is this balanced?

6200 Hp character using "unaffected by temp chain", "Debuffs on you expire 55% faster"
blocks four hits of exsanguinate mine.
And the only way to survive the incoming damage for the character is by completely consuming the Seething Divine Flask.

The damage is just wrong.
what happens when you actually get hit

the skill with all the on hit effects:

See that tiny fraction of hp loss at the start of the gif? Yep. That's the skill hit damage.

Exsanguinate should not stack additively after the penalty applied.

GGG do you even learn?
in 9 years this game received less pvp balance effort than Grim Dawn
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on Aug 15, 2021, 1:54:30 PM

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