Flask key bindings change


Can I suggest we have the ability to bind multiple flasks to single buttons. For instance, say I have my damage/utility potions all bound to LB, so that I can use them all with 1 button push. Similarly, I will bind all my 'oh shit' defensive/life flasks to RB, so I can press them all at once as well.

The problem with the way it's set up now, in order to press the buttons on the directionally pad, I have to take my thumbs off the Joystick/controls; which, if I'm using a slayer to leech, will get me killed.

Thanks for all you do,


Last bumped on Jul 6, 2021, 5:07:02 PM
I know it's not exactly a fix but if you have an elite controller you can bind the flasks from the dpad to the back paddles I normally leave my map on down and just use 3/4 of the back paddles.

This makes it so you don't need to remove you thumb from the movement stick.
That's a good suggestion, thank you, I just don't think I'm ready to drop $250 on a controller just yet. Are there any after market ones that are cheaper?
That's a good suggestion, thank you, I just don't think I'm ready to drop $250 on a controller just yet. Are there any after market ones that are cheaper?

If you can find the gen 1s anywhere they were like 100-150$

As for knock offs I don't have good recommendations
TheGodAmongMen wrote:
That's a good suggestion, thank you, I just don't think I'm ready to drop $250 on a controller just yet. Are there any after market ones that are cheaper?

If you can find the gen 1s anywhere they were like 100-150$

As for knock offs I don't have good recommendations
TheGodAmongMen wrote:
I know it's not exactly a fix but if you have an elite controller you can bind the flasks from the dpad to the back paddles I normally leave my map on down and just use 3/4 of the back paddles.

This makes it so you don't need to remove you thumb from the movement stick.

Man to have the flasks setup like this and not need move thumb from stick is dream mode !!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍

I need to get one of these
Your strength is the law !!

MadG poe on youtube for mellee content
eldest-bike4 wrote:
TheGodAmongMen wrote:
I know it's not exactly a fix but if you have an elite controller you can bind the flasks from the dpad to the back paddles I normally leave my map on down and just use 3/4 of the back paddles.

This makes it so you don't need to remove you thumb from the movement stick.

Man to have the flasks setup like this and not need move thumb from stick is dream mode !!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍

I need to get one of these
I know, I'm so tempted to go buy a elite controller for this free to play game😁. My wife will kill me!😬 Maybe someone with grinding gears will see this and help us out - then I can just buy more stash space😉LoL!

*sigh* console problems...
haven't tested it myself, maybe she won't kill you for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G7_BG4ryU0

sorry just saw its only ps4...
Last edited by Filix80#9472 on Jul 6, 2021, 5:20:37 PM

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