Mouse wheel bugged

Can't find any help or solution after googling for hours...
All I get is the same old basic instruction to update drivers and how to set it in windows default settings.

Best way to describe it is that the mouse scroll ignores 70% of my rolls.
I got to roll it 3-5 times before it registers a scroll input.

Windows10, logitech mx518.

"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
Last bumped on Jun 20, 2021, 2:37:29 PM
I used to have similar issues and I couldn't fix it.
Had to buy a new mouse because apparently the scroll just was kinda broken somehow
Have you tried plugging the mouse into a different PC to see if it's a hardware issue?
Thank macgyver... it was a old model.
Well with nothing to lose, broken mouse or buy a new one, I took it apart.
And what do you know, the wheel light sensors were clogged (cat owner + 10 year old mouse).

Managed to q-tip that shit, and what I love was how they let you take every part, the micro spring, wheel, and it's base out so easy without any problems.

20 min job. Works like new, saved 60 bucks.
Only issue is I had to rip the stickers off to get to the screws.
Oddly it made it smoother and nicer to move with a completely naked bottom.
And I'm not using it for professional fps games so it's all good.

I would like to thank me, myself and I.
"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."

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