New to PoE, Looking for a Very Specific Build Advice

Hello all,

I just recently, like in the past week, started playing PoE and not knowing anything about the game decided to go with the Templar > Inquisitor. I should preface this by saying that I have pretty limited experience with ARPGs, with Diablo III really being the only one I've played at any length, and that I play ARPGs very casually with my real goal being just to have a blast with the over-the-top skill visuals just melting through wave after wave of mobs.

To that end I invested (quite heavily I might add *makes whale noises* lmao) in decking out my character with just about every possible Celestial skill effect and a full Twilight cosmetic set with all the accoutrements. I did this without any real thought about making a build work instead just going after those fancy pixels. Fortunately, I don't think I managed to screw up too much because it seems GGG gave Celestial skins to some of the most popular skills and I was able to cobble together a build that I absolutely adore and looks visually stunning but I don't know how viable it is and could really use a critical eye looking over my character's profile.

I initially went into it wanting to have Divine Ire (DI) be the main damage dealer and paired it up with Firestorm (FS) via Cast while Channelling Support for extra damage while charging it up. Again, it looks fantastic and visually stunning but I am not sure how viable it is. I also picked Righteous Fire (RF), and boy was it s struggle to figure out how to sustain it but I finally did, intending it to be more of a buff with the increased spell damage but then quickly realized that it also melts anything it comes into contact with and really ends up doing more damage than Divine Ire. I really want to keep using all of the aforementioned skills (DI, FS, RF) but also want to be able to at least dip my toes into the end game content and create a functioning built, though it certainly doesn't have to be anything cutting edge. I can also consider swapping out DI for Scorching Ray (SR) because there seems to be a rather good RF build which relies on SR to proc Inspirational Support for RF but I wonder if I could also do that with DI instead of SR?

Lastly, the Passive Skill tree has me completely bamboozled and I think it might need some serious rearranging because right now I am basically just using it to cover whatever gaps my gear doesn't (like Chaos Resistance atm, and Life Recovery % for when I was struggling to sustain RF). Lots of questions there. For example I think I might have messed up trying to go for all those crit and crit multiplier nodes and should have instead gone for Elemental Overload? Should I be going for Avatar of Fire? And what's the deal with those Jewel Clusters? Things like that.

I realize this request is pretty out there but not everyone has the same goals when playing these games and I hope you guys can take that into account when trying to help me out. Y'all seem like a great community and I look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks in advance for your help!
Last bumped on May 30, 2021, 2:57:34 PM

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