Price check on weapon
Hi everyone, can you please help me with an accurate price on this thing? I can't decide whether to try and improve it, sell it, or use it as is.
Item Class: Two Hand Swords Rarity: Rare Hate Razor Banishing Blade -------- Two Handed Sword Quality: +20% (augmented) Physical Damage: 187-350 (augmented) Critical Strike Chance: 6.00% Attacks per Second: 1.63 (augmented) Weapon Range: 13 -------- Requirements: Level: 70 Str: 130 Dex: 130 -------- Sockets: R-G-R-R-R-R -------- Item Level: 85 -------- Attack Critical Strikes ignore Enemy Monster Elemental Resistances (implicit) -------- 187% increased Physical Damage 25% increased Attack Speed +30% to Fire Resistance 28% increased Stun Duration on Enemies +54 to Accuracy Rating 84% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills Last bumped on May 19, 2021, 12:59:48 PM
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