ultimatum-price check seems good?
Item Class: Sceptres
Rarity: Unique Sign of the Sin Eater Tyrant's Sekhem -------- Sceptre Quality: +11% (augmented) Physical Damage: 48-89 (augmented) Elemental Damage: 4-58 (augmented) Critical Strike Chance: 6.00% Attacks per Second: 1.25 Weapon Range: 11 -------- Requirements: Level: 58 Str: 99 Int: 99 -------- Sockets: B-B-B -------- Item Level: 81 -------- Adds 4 to 58 Lightning Damage (implicit) -------- Grants Level 30 Smite Skill +11 to Strength and Intelligence Enemies inflict Elemental Ailments on you instead of nearby Allies -------- A secret few among the Templars grant absolution by bearing the guilt of others. -------- Corrupted Last bumped on May 10, 2021, 11:58:46 PM
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