Trading on PS4/5

Hey guys,

I'm playing on my PS4 since launch and facing some problems.
Maybe they are already solved and I will be really happy with your explanations/suggestions:

- the trading market is wired and prices could be x3-4x vs PC market = even cheap starter builds on PC could be expensive on PS4 :( - IDK how to find the right build and don't spend ages to complete it
- there are no great trading tools as we have on PC (exilence next, awakened poe)
- there a very small amount of available items on the market so it's very difficult to buy good gear
- works only with PC realm = trading difficulty

Maybe more experienced players could help me with that? Or I'm alone with all those features? :)
Last bumped on May 9, 2021, 10:23:23 AM
There is just very limited amount of people farming high level content so the supply of top tier items is very small (sometimes non existent). There is a ton of players wanting certain items for their build but only few obtaining them so the prices go way up.

If you get a bit more familiar with the market board you can do searches with the correct specs, small example
~ "iLvl:86" "Hunter Item" "Maximum Life" "Resistance"
. But chances of not finding anything are often big or just one very expensive seller for a few exalts.

Better to just see consoles as SSF and go for SSF viable builds really.

Last edited by emperor_of_doom6 on May 5, 2021, 6:26:53 AM
Better to just see consoles as SSF and go for SSF viable builds really.

Was thinking about it :)
thanks for your reply and suggestions re search :)
Yes playstation SUCKS BAD !!

My pc died and i cant pump 2-3k now to get somerhing i like do i grabed a ps4pro

Well ... im already saving for pc

I made a build i love , it cost me 40 ex min maxed on pc and on PS4 i need 180 ex for same gear !!! LOL

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