Vengeance MTX or skill visual rework!!!

I did several builds of vengeance in the past and I'm still doing it right now and it's always the same, we never know when it procs because we can't see it on screen with all the stuff that is going on. We can only hear the sound of the skill, but we almost can't see the skill itself.

It's a cooldown skill and it has a chance to proc when hit. We need to invest a lot to make it a main skill that we proc using several skills and items. That being said, after all these investments, we can only see other secondary MTX, but not this main skill! As a player who sometimes play with no sound because i enjoy listening to music, there is no way of knowing if it procs or not because i can't see it on screen. The base effect is white/transparent and it disappears in milliseconds.

So from my point of view, here are the reasons why i'm asking for an skill visual rework or MTX:

- I would like to visually see the big AOE because it's my main skill and 6L.
- Using a skill slot just to be able to see the skill cooldown is a big no.
- After all the cooldown investment on gear (which takes a lot of currency), it's nice to see it proc more often than a base 1.2s cooldown, so actually seeing it in action would be very satisfying.
- I can't see it because the cyclone MTX is also over it (cyclone procs vengeance)
- for this very reason, it looks like i'm playing a cyclone build and not a vengeance build. Boooooo!!!!
- There are no counter-attacks MTX, so that could be the first one! Hurray!!!!

So basically, i just want to see it better, that's all.
I know that you only make MTX for popular skills, but that would be really good for build diversity... Isn't it what you are aiming for? ;)

Thank you for listening!
Last bumped on Apr 21, 2021, 2:46:27 PM

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