eLLD Gear+Crafting Info

ilvl 36 is required for Rotund life and higher makes the level requirement too high

If you need some bases or starter items message me in game


Veil of the Night (protects against curse/EE/exposure)
Alteration/Augment to Rotund (60-69 life) with open suffix
Life Flask of Animation + magic helm + Orb of Alteration = +1 Minion Prefix
stats/regen/accuracy/stun recovery suffix are slightly higher than crafted

Body Armour

Alteration/Augment to Rotund (60-69 life) with open suffix
stats/regen/stun recovery suffix are slightly higher than crafted
Always Augment 2% physical damage reduction Suffix


Alteration/Augment to Rotund (60-69 life) with open suffix
Micro-Distillery Belt is a legal base
Always Augment Reduced Flask Charged Used Suffix
Augment Increased Flask Duration Belt
Augment high Str on Belts


Praxis is a great start
Keep in mind Resistance Rings aren't allowed
(-4 to -8) cost Elreon ring then craft Suffix
Alteration/Augment to Rotund (60-69 life) with open suffix
Augment Cast or Attack Suffix
Augment %ele damage Suffix
Augment 6-12 flat physical attack damage Prefix


Eye of Chayula for Stun Immunity
(-4 to -8) cost Elreon Amulet then craft Suffix
Alteration/Augment to Rotund (60-69 life) with open suffix
Augment Cast or Attack Suffix
Augment %ele damage Suffix
Augment Spell Damage Prefix
Augment 6-12 flat physical attack damage Prefix


Vendor Boots+Quicksilver+Orb of Augmentation for 10% movespeed
repeat that process 2 more times for 20% movement speed boots


Alteration/Augment to Rotund (60-69 life) with open suffix
stats/regen/accuracy/stun recovery suffix are slightly higher than crafted
Aug any high Attack rolls


85%-105% Local Phys Open Suffix
+1 Global Skill Gem Levels
Always Augment 13-16% attack speed
Always Augment 12-14% cast speed
Grab low ilvl(2) wands for easy +1 level to start


Alteration/Augment to Rotund (60-69 life) with open suffix
stats/regen/stun recovery suffix are slightly higher than crafted
Augment Cast Speed
Augment global skill levels
Augment Block/Spell Block Rolls
Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Apr 2, 2021, 9:15:17 AM
Last bumped on Apr 2, 2021, 8:34:23 AM

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