[MAC] Import hideout fails to buy and use decorations

The most recent patch (1.13c) fixed the "failed to find file" bug when trying to import a hideout. I can now successfully load an import file, but it incorrectly tells me I don't have enough favour or high enough master level to add all the assets, so it adds none that I haven't already purchased

My Masters are all max level and I have more favour than needed for the hideout I tried to import by a factor of 10.

I've attached a screenshot to show what happens when attempting to import a hideout.

I tested if it is only ones I haven't purchased, and I could re import my old hideout with no issues (exported it earlier) and I bought a couple of the missing pieces manually and they were no longer mentioned in the chat window (and the overall favour price changed).

So it looks like it's failing to recognise that I have favour and masters or what their values are.
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2021, 4:32:16 PM
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In Expedition league atm with the same bug on Glacial hideout. Hopefully this gets fixed some day. :(

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