Metamorph On Screen Notification or Appear as soon as Boss is killed

With so much end game features in end game maps it's not uncommon to get, for example a mirror, Legion, blight plus Alva and Metamorph in a map. I usually do the activities as soon as I find them so I don't forget them but with Metamorphs I like to collect all the parts first. So I often forget that I even have a Metamorph after getting done everything needed to be done in the map as Tano only appears once you get just enough parts and not again.

I wish we had an on screen notification in the corner to remind us that a Metamorph is ready or have him automatically reappear after the map boss is beat.
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2021, 8:40:38 AM
I would also really appreciate if Tane would automatically appear after you kill the map boss.

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