[Ritual SC] Bosskilling Service awakened on TFT

Ritual SC Crafting Service

Hello everyone I am back for crafting and bossing! I started this Thread during Synthesis league and did hundreds of Crafts/Bosscarries since then.

Since I didn't play the last 2 leagues I have to make a new Thread with new vouches.

This is my old thread with over 50 pages:

Boss Carry Service:
I am offering a boss carry service for almost all bosses in the game.
I prefer carrying on EU-Servers. If you already started the encounter tell me about your server and I will consider doing it anyway.

Price list: Can do all of them witnessed, prices stay the same
Uber Atziri: 50c
Awakener 1-7: 30c
Awakener 5-9: 50c
Maven: 1Ex
Cortex: 30c
Uber Elder: 40c
Shaper/Elder: 30c
Guardians: 20c
Maven's Invitations: 50c including feared etc
Mastermind: 30c
Oshabi: 40c
I'm awakened service provider on TFT Discord: NaniRitual#7962

Message me ingame @NaniMirrorSinker
Streaming at https://www.twitch.tv/don_nani
Alternatively I can stream the carry on discord if you wish.
Last edited by eleven1249#0505 on Feb 23, 2021, 4:45:06 AM
Last bumped on Feb 23, 2021, 6:00:36 AM
+1 Max Life as Es
Thank you for craft
Thank you for the craft :)
serious, perfect 10/10

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