[SSC] NOT LIVE @Twitch/Redvilespoe Boss Service!

Hey! Welcome to my service that includes all types of boss killing!

I will be doing these services in American servers (CA/DC/Cali/Tx) if the portal has not been opened yet, I will not refund if the boss has been attempted before inviting me.

IGN: RedvilespoeTTV

Can you stream the kill?

Yes! I try to stream daily on twitch (twitch.tv/redvilespoe), feel free to ask to stream the kill if I'm not already streaming!

Voidstones (40c):
My set / My Loot / Your voidstone/completion:
Uber elder - 75c

your set / yourLoot / Your voidstone/completion:
Eater of Worlds (Keeper of Worlds) - 40c
Searing Exarch (Black star) - 40c

Other Bosses:
Sirus: 40c
Maven white invitation: 40c
Shaper/Elder/Uber Atziri: 40c
Cortex: 40c
Aul : 50c


Delirium vouches/clips and boss kill count
Boss Killing:

Sirus : 50c / 60c for AL 8 (Killed: 389)

Uber elder : 50c (Killed: 59)

Cortex : 40c (Killed: 74)

Shaper/Uber Atziri/Elder/Breach : 20c (Killed: 103)

Aul : I take 1/3 of loot (killed: 3)

Any Conquerors/Guardians etc : FREE! Tips are appreciated :)

If you can't or don't want to pay the fees, we can also split the loot 50/50!

You can check my stream for previous league's mirror service / crafting service / boss service:

Delirium League Boss service thread:

Metamorph League Boss service thread:

IGN: Twitchtv_RedvilesPoe
Last edited by redviles#5196 on Jan 7, 2023, 5:47:48 AM
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2022, 7:59:53 AM
killed my minotaur, was fast and professional.
killed my al5 sirus even tho it was doomed to fail with 2 ports left, got me awakened generosity 10/10 would recommend
Great service streamed the whole fight thanks.
Helped me save a rewritten memory boss! Super nice guy! Would use service again.
Top Boss Killer, very honest on split loot. Fast execution on Sirus :)
Thank you smooth cortex kill

AL8 Sirus kill +1
vouch, nice guy and quick carry
Helped carry on guardian map! Thanks.

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