(PS5) Res. Game Preset = better Perfomance


Some of you May know that the PS5 PoE experience isn't the greatest.
Some crashes but mainly Texture issues and some short freezes.

So I tried to search for "Fixes" but found hardly anything.

I thought since you need the Performance Preset in your PS5 Setting to play COD Cold War on 120hz why not play around with it.

EDIT: Apparently it has more to do How the Game handles the settings change rather then the preset itself:

MiGixD wrote:
oO_r0nner_Oo wrote:
The PS5 setting is only a preset for games that have the option for "Performance" and "Graphics". Then the preset in the game is activated. But POE has none of these settings.

That's what I thought too. And yet at least activating it makes somehow a difference.
Further testing shows me that it doesn't matter which mode u activated.
But after you used at least one and change around a bit the issues regarding missing textures and short freezes are gone for the most part.

I really don't know how this feature affects the game or how Path of Exile is Working internally.
But at least for @Nullyfizel(Maybe), a friend of mine, and me, it was a fix to these texture issues and short freezes we encountered for weeks.

I still get a few but very rarely and only after a map.
Most of the time for a few seconds and not while rushing through maps anymore

Performance Preset:
still not the greatest "performance". Many Missing textures. I think even worse than the default setting.

Resolution preset:
it Works! at least for me! I got in the 10 maps each I ran with my Flicker strike raider and BV Poison Assasin not 1 crash and only twice a short texture error after I got out from the map

I would like to encourage you to try it out, so we get a larger sample size. And to prove I don't just got lucky

If you didn't know the feature exists here a quick guide to access it:

Settings -> Saved Data and Game/App Settings -> Game Presets -> Performance mode or Resolution mode

(Keep in mind that it prob. won't fix everything 100%. For that we will have to wait until the Ps5 Port comes out)

I also wanted to start POE from an External Hardrive (SSD/HDD) but because I currently don't have a Harddrive to try it on, it would be nice if someone can try it.

Ps. I also have 3D Audio off in setting since I read somewhere it would cause crashes in Poe

Last edited by SteffanFuchs#9840 on Jan 16, 2021, 2:04:57 PM
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2021, 1:52:47 PM
Hi, I want to say thank you for this post, recently bought my first ps5 console.
I play on 1920 x 1080 tv.

Today I tried to run a few maps on these presets.
Performance Preset game now performs much better than before
Resolution preset the game works with many Missing textures. as unstable as before or worse

I will test in more detail in the new league, after which I will add a review.

Hopefully GGG will release a patch for ps5, because now the game on ps5 looks as bad as cyberpunk on ps4.........

I hope GGG they will add support for the new processor, video card, memory and ssd from ps5 to the game, as well as make it possible to reassign the buttons in the game settings like on PC
Last edited by NullifyZel#9453 on Jan 14, 2021, 9:44:15 PM
NullifyZel wrote:

Performance Preset game now performs much better than before
Resolution preset the game works with many Missing textures. as unstable as before or worse

So Performance preset works better than resolution for you?
Interesting. For me, it's the opposite.
If I change to the performance preset I experience these Issues you stated on the Resolution Preset
The PS5 setting is only a preset for games that have the option for "Performance" and "Graphics". Then the preset in the game is activated. But POE has none of these settings.
oO_r0nner_Oo wrote:
The PS5 setting is only a preset for games that have the option for "Performance" and "Graphics". Then the preset in the game is activated. But POE has none of these settings.

That's what I thought too. And yet at least activating it makes somehow a difference.
Further testing shows me that it doesn't matter which mode u activated.
But after you used at least one and change around a bit the issues regarding missing textures and short freezes are gone for the most part.

I really don't know how this feature affects the game or how Path of Exile is Working internally.
But at least for @Nullyfizel(Maybe), a friend of mine, and me, it was a fix to these texture issues and short freezes we encountered for weeks.

I still get a few but very rarely and only after a map.
Most of the time for a few seconds and not while rushing through maps anymore

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