Block vs Dodge

Hey i want to know which one is better in pvp? Dodge? Block? theres a way to calculate which one is better for a defensive tank build? i cant find updated info
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2021, 8:47:29 PM
Molten shell is a lot more useful than either of them. Block is better because it has recovery on block mechanics, but it gets shredded by overpower stacks.
i see , ya probably armour stack + molten shell have nice defense , but if i go dodge? steelskin will be the best choice?
dodge is better but block is easier to get
EspadaDelPanico wrote:
Hey i want to know which one is better in pvp? Dodge? Block? theres a way to calculate which one is better for a defensive tank build? i cant find updated info

Dodge can only be mitigated by 29% with BCR, making a max dodge build avoid damage 46% of the time.
What is the value of my own life when it is taken from others so easily?
cool , thanks for the help guys

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