Share you CP77 moments here pls

...not like i dont enjoy Flashback more than whole Heist league but i still dont feel good when i remember 3.13 comes out after holidays because of CP77 /official excuse/.
So share, with me and rest exiles here, your best moments from CP77! I am serious - i wont try that game anytime soon or ever and wanna see that some PoE players play that game at are still playing it, right? What about streamers - i checked few and they were playing PoE- still/again?
Please share your awesome moments in CP77, i would enjoy watching them while having a lunch. Thanks.
Slow down for a minute to enjoy the beauty around us.
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2021, 1:02:25 PM
I traded in all of my CP77 moments so that I could play PoE. Sorry.
far as i can tell a lot of streamers, poe streamers included, are playing escape from tarkov. right now they have an event going on so its hugely popular.

as for CP2077, "it broke twitch records!" yeah, with concurrent viewers on release day. it also broke another record, most likely, which is how fast it disappeared.
going from something like 250,000 twitch viewers when it was released down to like 15,000 viewers now (and has been that way for a few days).

so probably not worth looking it up on twitch unless you wanna see vlogs. seems like most cp2077 content posted on youtube are all fail moment compilation vids
but if you're interested in those, there are tons
Its actually stupidly easy. Hint: I've never upgraded this weapon and yes, the rest would fall in one shot on very hard even if I don't aim for the head but I do anyway.

Shit game.
Deleted it after 2 hours.

Gonna refund it now.

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