Cleaning Out My PC

Hay. I'm handing down my old laptop to a family member. How do I erase all evidence of... erm... impropriety from it quickly and easily? What are the l33t tips?
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2020, 7:58:54 AM
restore factory default
Hit it with a hammer.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on Dec 12, 2020, 2:26:29 PM
xMustard wrote:
restore factory default

This, easy as pie.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
format c: /s
Once I had given myself time to grieve, I took the first hesitant steps to rebuild my life. Thankfully, we both had substantial insurance policies so there were no financial concerns, and I enjoyed my career and couldn’t imagine taking a step back. But I had time on my hands, slept in an empty bed, and the prospect of trawling through dating sites seemed pointless as most eligible men would lose interest as soon as I mentioned my teenage son. It seemed fate had tied my hands, or had it?

Initially I didn’t realize I was looking at Kyle differently, but certainly not in a sexual way. I found myself attracted to his attitude despite the off-hand and sometimes rude way he spoke to me. I made a point of spending time with him and at times he was pleasant company, others would see him ignore me and pay more attention to his cell or disappear into his room. As time passed, I found myself admiring him physically and, while I have a mother’s bias, he was an attractive young man. Tall with a handsomely masculine face, broad-shouldered and sporting a chiseled six-pack from school football .

Around two months ago I realized I was thinking of him sexually, looking beyond his casual rugged appearance and the persona that went with it. I started fantasizing about taking him as a lover, masturbating in the privacy of my bedroom as I envisaged his proud cock fucking me. My fantasies grew darker, imaging him taking me anally, tying me up and whipping me, and satisfying my desire to be dominated.

I began dressing provocatively, wearing short skirts and skimpy tops with no bra, hoping he’d sneak a surreptitious glance. I caught the occasional peek but nothing more, so I took every opportunity to brush against him or make a show of getting something from a high cupboard so my skirt would ride up, but my efforts were futile.

I checked his computer browser and knew he regularly visited porn sites, and with my level of frustration building decided to throw caution to the winds with a more direct approach. It was a Friday night and he’d gone to his room as usual, so I crept down the hall to see flickering light under the door. With no TV in his room this had to be his computer, so I went to my room and tore my clothes off, praying he was watching porn and not some harmless Youtube video. I slipped into a backless halter mini-dress with a plunging neckline, strapped on a pair of killer heels and strode back to his door. With trembling hands I opened the door to find him naked on his bed, watching porn while stroking his impressively thick, seven-inch cock.

I’m not sure what reaction I expected to my rude interruption, perhaps embarrassment or a mortified response to being caught, but what I received was blazing teenage anger.

“What the fuck Mom! You don’t get you should knock before you just barge in?” To my amazement he kept stroking his shaft and made no attempt to hide his screen or mute the sound. “Are you fucking bored or something? Did you figure you’d just walk in and watch me jack-off?”

His eyes locked on mine, his lips forming a sneer of derision as he waited for me to reply or leave, clearly not caring which. I had one chance to bring this back on track so I tried to mimic his sneer as I replied. “I’m just trying to figure out if you’re blind or just plain stupid. You keep disappearing into your room and there’s no surprise why, while I’ve been dressing in sexy clothes and giving you signals that I’m interested. But it seems you’d rather watch porn and jerk off when you could have the real thing? Seems like a dumb choice to me!”

His sneer was replaced by a look of confusion and I hoped I was back in control, the question was where this would go next? “Wha….what are you saying Mom? I mean, I noticed you were dressing different and……are you saying you’ve been trying to seduce me?”

I stood my ground and smiled. “So you’re not totally stupid, thank God for that! I was starting to believe you weren’t as intelligent as I thought. Of course I’ve been trying to seduce you, there’s no one else here!”

The on-screen action was finally ignored and his cock was shrinking so I walked over, put the computer on the side table, unwrapped his slick fingers and replaced them with mine. “Hmmm, it seems you’re losing interest, perhaps I can help.” Before he could regain control, I crouched down and took his semi-soft cock between my lips, caressing his oozing glans with my tongue as my hand started stroking. Finally I had him where I wanted, and I wasn’t going to waste the opportunity.

“What the fuck?” He gasped. “Jesus Mom, you’re sucking my cock!”

I released my lip-lock to give a smoldering smile. “And you get an A for stating the obvious honey.” I teased, before resuming my incestuous work.

His cock was magnificent, growing longer and harder between my moist lips until I was sure he was not only a good inch longer than Allan’s satisfying organ, but thicker as well. I was euphoric, my eyes closed in sexual bliss as I sucked and stroked his wonderful flesh until I felt his glans nudge the entrance to my throat. Deep throat was something I mastered years ago so his now-firm length gave me no concerns, I merely took a deep breath, relaxed my muscles and took him into my throat until my lips brushed his heavy balls.

“Fuck, FUCKING JESUS!” He cried out. “Oh yeah, fuck yeah, suck it Mom! You keep sucking me like this and I’m gonna pump my wad straight down your throat!”

I paused for a second and looked up to see burning lust in his gaze, so I closed my eyes again and moaned around his shaft. “Hmmmmmmm!!” I resumed stroking, sucking and licking, increasing the tempo as I sought to bring him to the shuddering climax I craved so desperately. I wanted his scalding seed spraying into my mouth and deep into my throat. The house could have been burning down and I wouldn’t have missed a beat, nothing was going to stand between me and a bellyful of sweet teenage cum.

His hips started thrusting, driving his proud cock deeper into my throat and filling the room with slippery sounds. “Fucking hell! Gonna cum so hard Mom!”

I didn’t know if he was trying to warn me or was lost in the moment, but when I sensed his cock twitch I deep-throated him until my lips were locked around his root. “CUMMIIINNNNGGGGG!!!” He bellowed, so I grabbed his butt-cheeks and pulled him deeper, feeling his thick cum spray forcefully into my throat and burn its way down. Again and again he came, one strong rope after another pumping deep as his hands gripped my head, holding me in place while I drained his copious load.

I savored every viscous drop, maintaining my oral embrace until the final stuttering spurts signaled he had finished. I lifted my head slowly, teasing every inch of flesh as my lips carefully cleaned his still-firm shaft until he slipped free. When his eyes finally blinked open, I licked my lips sensuously and gave him a loving smile. “Very tasty honey, and I love how much cum you pumped into my throat. That was quite a load !”

I stood and stretched, smiling down as he breathed heavily while still looking totally confused. “I feel like a drink. If you enjoyed that, come down and we’ll talk about other things I can do for you. Or you could always go back to watching porn and jerking off, your choice.”

“Shit Mom, that was amazing!” He groaned. “I’ll be down, just…..give me a few minutes, ok?”

“Sure honey. Like I said, your choice.” I turned and walked out, exaggerating the sway of my hips like a catwalk model as I left.

He walked in a few minutes later, uncapping a bottle of juice to gulp it straight from the bottle before he sat opposite. “What the fuck’s gotten into you Mom? Are you taking some kind of female Viagra or something? I mean… just gave me a blow-job!”

I was still coming down from my euphoric state and smiled easily. “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it? I’ve been told I give great head.”

He shook his head vehemently. “It was awesome, so fucking good, but….you’re my Mom!”

I leaned forward, my eyes locked on his. “If you got a hang-up about that maybe you’d better get over it. That is, if you want more.”

“More? Who wouldn’t want more of that? So how about you tell me what’s really going on here, because I have no fucking clue!” I suppressed the urge to grin knowing he was struggling to come to terms with the change in family dynamic. I took a sip of wine to steady my nerves, knowing how important my next words would be.

“It’s not that complicated really. Losing your father was terrible and I miss him every day, but I’m still young and I have needs. I can’t be a moping widow forever and Allan would want me to get on with my life. I thought about dating and singles websites, but you hear so many negative stories I didn’t feel comfortable trying. Plus, and I don’t want you feel guilty about this because it’s not your fault, most men looking for a new relationship don’t want someone else’s kid as part of the deal.”

He looked thoughtful as he considered that. “Yeah, I can see how that could be difficult, particularly with me around. But you’ve got your work and friends, is it really that difficult or are you just making excuses?”

“As far as work goes, I keep my private and professional lives separate because I’ve seen too many office relationships end badly, and normally one or both people have to leave. I love my career and I’ve worked hard to get to where I am, so I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize that. With friends, how lame would be if I start going round asking “Hey, do know any nice single men?” To me that’s pretty desperate.”

He nodded slowly. “Yeah, that would be pretty lame. So, you said there are other things you could do for me? You wanna expand on that? What did you have in mind?”

I swallowed nervously as this was where I went out on a limb without a safety net. “Well, you’re not seeing anyone at the moment? I mean, you and Jenny seemed pretty close a few months back, but I haven’t seen her for a while.”

He shrugged nonchalantly. “Didn’t work out. She reckoned I had a shit attitude.”

I couldn’t resist a knowing smile. “She could be right honey, you can be a bit arrogant sometimes. To answer your question, I’m not ready for a relationship but I enjoy great sex. But I don’t want to pick up some guy in a bar for an occasional quick fuck or blow job, I want something……deeper than that.”

I blushed and my pulse was racing so I paused to take a longer sip.

“Deeper? You’re talking in riddles and not making sense. You say you don’t want a relationship, but you don’t just want sex either?”

“You have no idea how difficult this is honey. What I want is…..a man who takes charge when it comes to sex. A man who will take what he wants whenever he’s in the mood. I’m responsible for over a thousand employees and make critical decisions every day, when I’m home I want someone else to be the boss and tell me what to do so I can just relax and enjoy it.”

“So you’re……what do they call it? A submissive or something? Sheeeit! And you want me to be that guy? Is that what you’re saying?”
Last edited by gelupusu on May 7, 2021, 2:53:03 AM
None of the suggestions truly erases your data btw, you need to look into Disk Wipe software to destroy all the data on your pc.
[Removed by Support]

Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
BearCares wrote:
Hay. I'm handing down my old laptop to a family member. How do I erase all evidence of... erm... impropriety from it quickly and easily? What are the l33t tips?

The best thing to do is to simply replace the hard-drive with a new one. Laptop drives aren't terribly expensive, but can sometimes be a pain to get to. (That's especially true if it's a sort of "budget version" laptop.)

Barring that, here's what you should do:

First, download "CCleaner." It's free and safe.

Install it.

Then, go through and delete and uninstall all the stuff you don't want on the drive. This is EVEN if you're reinstalling the OS from scratch. Go ahead and manually uninstall and delete stuffs. Delete all your personal information, anywhere. (Except your user-access, for now.)

Then, reboot.

Then, run CCleaner. First, let it just clean up all the normal garbage. (Analyze, Fix/whatever)

Then, go to its advanced features and you'll see an "Overwrite Free Space." THIS is an important thing to do. Deleting files just changes their header and sets their blocks to be used by whatever needs them. By "overwriting" these now "free spaces" you are actually putting garbage data in there to fully garbage up those old file locations so they are very nearly impossible to recover.

Do that. Choose the highest security overwrite option it has available. (Basically, government-standard level) Depending on the size of the drive, this could literally take "overnight." Make sure your laptop is cool and has a fan blowing on it as a constantly working hard-drive is gonna get a bit warm... :)

Once that's done, you're just about ready. You "should" probably delete your user-account as well, but make darn sure you have an Administrator account ready to go FIRST. Please? K? Good.

Make very sure all "system restore points" on the Manufacturer's/Win10 OS Partition are removed, btw. :)

At that point, you're ready for a reinstall with a "low-level reformat." IIRC, this installation option is available for Windows 10 from the installation menu. You may, however, need a Windows 10 Installer on separate removable media. (I haven't done this with Win10 since I hate Win10...)

See here and elsewhere for further infos on installing Win10:

The process of the overwrite of free space will take care of just about every normal way an average user could use to try to access anything you had on that disk. It is not, however, NSA-Proof. Coupled with a low-level reformat and repartitioning of the hard-drive, this completes the "everything you can do" on your end to get rid of that old data.

IMPORTANT FINAL NOTE: Unless your laptop has specialized drivers, etc, it probably doesn't need all the crap it's got on it from your laptop manufacturer. Your Win10 key, located on that cool hologram sticker, is enough to get you a copy of the official Win10 OS edition it's certified for, without laptop bloatware. HOWEVER- That decision is yours to make, not mine. If you want to be sure your laptop has all the stuff it needs, after you have "wiped the free space" using CCleaner, only then do a "system restore" to return everything to the manufacturer's specs. At this point, you forego the "low-level reformat" and "reinstall" of a default Win10 installation in favor of restoring the installation from the OEM Mfr install files the manufacturer has placed on its partition.

PS: Hope I wasn't too late with anything needful in terms of advice. :)

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