GGG are you planing to chnage anything about the flask and trade system for consoles??
I’m 100% sure theres a lot of players like me struggling with keeping all of the flasks up all the time during endgame.
Also its so much more comfortable for pc players to actually find the item they are looking for, where we console players already handicapped by “only” using a controller have to deal with the saddest excuse for a item search platform imaginable for a game of such a depth. Is there anything planned for poe2 to change about those two points mentioned on console? Ps: just out of curiosity: is there anyone of the ggg staff actually playing this game on a playstation? Or you are just implementing stuff and ignore all criticism because the console cominity is just so much smaller than the pc one? Last bumped on Jan 17, 2021, 7:37:12 AM
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They have no plans to fix their pos game on console they haven't updated the faq on this page in 3 years and it says they are going to add console to the trading website but it took them 3 years to add chat and guilds which were supposed to be implemented soon after launch.
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" Are you new to the game? Or at least, the game on console? They fixed a TON of stuff, and made a bunch of improvements, and took a lot of suggestions. All in the last few months. Yes, they don't take *every* suggestion. Some of them are not practical, some of them would actually be bad for the game, some of them are incompatible with their vision of what they want PoE to be. As to keeping all of your flasks up... a LOT of PC players complain about that. Many of them accuse streamers of using a flask macro, because they just feel that it's impossible to do. The reality is, even on PC, it takes skill to use all of your flasks at the appropriate time. What helped me get *much* better at flask management was learning to treat using my flasks like a combo move in a fighting game. You need to get the timing right, and hit the buttons in the right pattern. The trade market is a hot mess... but that isn't likely to be addressed soon. And the PC trade market is a hot mess too, just in a different way. Maybe we'll get a big trade revamp along the way to PoE2. | |
" What? Guilds on console??? Did i miss something ??? Ive never seen guilds on playstation :o |
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" Im basically new, yeah. Started out just before harvest and played a lot during harvest but almost no heist at all. It just feels like pc has so much better qol features to it eventhou they already have the better control equipment already. |
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it's awkward and you kind of have to stop for a second but you get used to it I guess. What could they even do with the way the controller is?
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" Just One or two flask buttons to group them up on would be possible, bind to move would probably also be possible but almost automated. If all the flasks would be on r1+r2 then i would have no prob at all... |
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The dream is to be able to remap the buttons. They will not allow 1 button press to do multiple effects.
You should be able to get a custom controller that moves the location of the D-pad under the controller so you can press them with other fingers. So long as you manually press the button yourself where it is shouldn't violate any of their terms. But like QQPQ said, it's mostly about getting the button combo down. Time when you take your thumb off the joystick to hit all 3 other flasks. I want to say I typically dash while hitting flasks just to keep moving while not able to be moving. Doesn't always happen, but that's my goal. Personally I prefer duration of them all to match so they wear off at the same time. With the right prefix you can normally get them close to each other around 6 seconds with 2 uses, depending on your utility flasks naturally. It is manually tiring to do it correctly all of the time, but that's part of the skill in playing correctly. Do I dream about a forever flask that works like an aura, maybe. But that would come with some unique you'd need to fit into the build. (It would auto drink upon reaching max charges) But I doubt anything like that would ever happen, its fun to dream tho. |
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Just look for Thrustmaster Eswap Controler for ps4 and xbox one, X/S
This controler can change D pad with Right stick, and then its so easy to press flask butons with just right hand |
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" Flask management is lot easier on PC because of keyboard structure, you can access every key same way, your wrist and fingers in natural position. Also keyboard and mouse is separated, so you can moving while pressing flask or skills. On PS4 it is impossible to effectively use more than 2 flasks, without breaking your fingers. About the trade. It is awful. At least GGG should add sorting and hiding unrelated with filter results. let alone adequate affix search. PS4 trade is way more worse than PC trade. Why can't they implement web site trading like on PC, I would prefer typing template message with my gamepad rather than turn hundreds of pages looking for suitable rare gear or looking for adequate priced item through a lot of price-fixers and greedy guys Last edited by f278f1b2#9650 on Jan 17, 2021, 7:49:37 AM
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