Help with Aura Stack Spark scion

I dont really know how pob works. New to it.
Been trying to figure out why my dps isnt nearly as high as the builds i see online.
Idk if its something i did wrong with the gear, or the pob itself.
I know i need to level a bit so i can add the last jewel but im still at over 4x aura effect.
I dont think the last jewel is going to set my damage over the edge either lol.
Any help is appreciated.
For a build that is worth mirrors and not performing the way i want it to (Numerically).
Last edited by Andy_PK on Nov 26, 2020, 7:11:58 AM
Last bumped on Nov 26, 2020, 8:39:15 AM
if you could provide a more speciefic question or a pob ? so we could look on your stats or settings.
Well you are using heralds, they are normaly not in the build. More auras, flask are shitty to, no diamond, no cortex flask. check out the other aura staker builds in this forum part.
Last edited by Raytscha on Nov 26, 2020, 8:43:59 AM

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