We really need auto-accept for Trading!

first of all, sorry for my bad englisch - its not my foreign language.

seriously, we need auto-accept on trading for items which are announced with a price.
It's ridiclus waiting hours for a trade.

Even the "Show Online Only" checkbox doesnt help alot since most of them are AFK anyway.. maybe a "Hide AFK Users" would help as well - but i think auto-accept would be the best thing.

Nice to see stash affixes and clan features on console, but trading is still a horror.

Anyway, thanks for a Game which i play since 3 leagues now, and still makes a lot of fun beside the trade market ;)

i know old posts about this topic but i thought bringing it up again to get focus again.

Last bumped on Jan 16, 2021, 1:26:07 PM
First of all, englisch IS your foreign language. Hahaha

For ages i was always for insta buyout thingy, but recently i started thinking that maybe this might be a bad idea in some cases.

I noticed that most people are kinda lost when they are pricing their stuff, it's kinda easy on pc. You look at the cheapest one and you try to underprice it. Console got this huge pool of pages which makes this pricing method very hard and time consuming. So naturally items are priced higher and with buyout option there will be no way to haggle for smaller prices.

Another example. Lets take some random niche item, there are like 100 of them in trade market. Average price of said item is like 10c. Everyone puts 10c buyout price. High supply, low demand. But if noone is buying that item price should go down? Well on console it doesn't work like that. Monkey see, monkey do. Sellers dont take extra time to check out if market is full of them (cant blame them). So now people will not only blame high console prices, but also unavailability to reduce it's price.

Just wanted to show you that in some scenarios insta buyout option might become double edge sword.

All in all i am for insta buyout, but prices will surely rise. Higher prices might not be welcoming new players. Even now, it's mid(late?) league and most leveling weapons (usable for 5-10 levels) are still priced for 1-3c.
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
Last edited by oldwolfsoul#9911 on Nov 19, 2020, 12:06:06 AM
oldwolfsoul wrote:
So naturally items are priced higher and with buyout option there will be no way to haggle for smaller prices.

That's not how instant buyout works. It would just autocomplete the trade if you exactly match the asked for price. Other offers would still be allowed.

What you're talking about is fixed-price. For a fixed-price listing, only exactly matching offers would be allowed. Personally, I'd like to have BOTH of these options. With instant auto-complete. Fixed-price and "buyout" (like Best Offer) pricing already exist in a drop-down menu in our system... you're just not allowed to change the selection off of "b/o".

oldwolfsoul wrote:

All in all i am for insta buyout, but prices will surely rise. Higher prices might not be welcoming new players. Even now, it's mid(late?) league and most leveling weapons (usable for 5-10 levels) are still priced for 1-3c.

It's been like this as long as I've been playing (which is since Legion). Goldrims are often 5c+ on PS4, even a month into the league. They're actually cheaper this league than I've seen them before (probably because a lot of them drop from low level Heist contracts).

I'm 99% sure you're wrong about prices rising if we get trade autocomplete. *Maybe* they might rise on mid-tier items, but they will 100% go down on high-tier items, because it will be impossible to do the price-fixing shenanigans where they list 5 copies of The Doctor at half (or less) market price, and then buy any that someone else lists at their price, without ever selling any for that price.

The net effect will be that *apparent* prices will rise, but only because the low prices that were never actually being accepted will be gone.

Totally agree that we need autoaccept.
Best regards
Agree for auto accept on exact offers
I'd like to add that price-fixing only seems to be getting worse over time.

Price-fixing's primary purpose is to allow experienced (and possibly amoral) players to rip off inexperienced players by making it appear as if the price for an item is much lower than it is, while never actually selling any items at that price.

This is an awful experience for new players. Do you really want new players to feel like that?

In addition, it also makes it very frustrating for honest experienced players trying to buy something. It can often be extremely difficult to find items that are actually available for sale, because 50% or more of hard to find item listings may be price-fixed.

The marketplace is so bad that many of the honest/nice players have retreated to SSF.

Which is all well and good for them, but it makes the gameplay experience in trade even worse. Every week there are fewer and fewer players playing trade who are experienced enough at the game to get end-game items, and a larger and larger percentage of them are price-fixers.

I think, if you're not going fix the marketplace, you need to put up a warning for new players, to direct them towards SSF.

Also, you should implement a new game mode "Group SSF", where you can play with other players, but all the loot is perma-allocated and there's no marketplace or trading.

Because the only reason I'm still in trade is because I enjoy playing with friends.
Not too mention that since Guilds are a thing, they all band together in doing it. They pick an item and/or currency and they tag-tem the hell out of it. I won't mention the guild names obviously, but if one spends more than a day in chat they will know who they are. They don't try to hide it, and why would they? GGG doesnt seem to have a problem with it, and those doing it seem to be elitist knobs for the most part. It is what it is i guess

Also, you should implement a new game mode "Group SSF", where you can play with other players, but all the loot is perma-allocated and there's no marketplace or trading.

Been praying for something like this for forever now. My guess is that we won't ever get something as you described, seeing as they made private leagues.

And private leagues generate income

Last edited by SQUINT#1385 on Jan 12, 2021, 9:50:28 PM
SQUINT wrote:

Also, you should implement a new game mode "Group SSF", where you can play with other players, but all the loot is perma-allocated and there's no marketplace or trading.

Been praying for something like this for forever now. My guess is that we won't ever get something as you described, seeing as they made private leagues.

And private leagues generate income

You know what, I'd be thrilled if they implemented Private Leagues on PS4.

I'd 100% be willing to pay to play in an environment without the assholes. And I'd be willing to do the overhead work as well.
QQPQ wrote:
SQUINT wrote:

Also, you should implement a new game mode "Group SSF", where you can play with other players, but all the loot is perma-allocated and there's no marketplace or trading.

Been praying for something like this for forever now. My guess is that we won't ever get something as you described, seeing as they made private leagues.

And private leagues generate income

You know what, I'd be thrilled if they implemented Private Leagues on PS4.

I'd 100% be willing to pay to play in an environment without the assholes. And I'd be willing to do the overhead work as well.

I hear ya. I'd pay my share if they had private leagues on console. Provided the difference in price from the PC to comsole wasn't too crazy.
Last edited by I AM SQUINT#8343 on Jan 12, 2021, 10:47:51 PM
autoaccept please

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