Console whole tab pricing feature update?

Hello. Just saw that pc is getting the affinity system tomorrow. I also read what Bex said on reddit which is the following:
"It can't work exactly as it is on console so it's going to take a bit of a plan there and other implementation before it could go ahead. I don't have the exact details on this just yet."

Reading the affinity system topic just now posted for pc I realize and understand that its way harder to implement on console, but what about the whole tab pricing? At the end of the day its a feature which "comes" with the premium tab itself on PC, a feature we don't have since the release of PS4 and release of Xbox ( which is almost 4 years? )

We've been asking for this feature since forever and we, the players, would love an update about it, if its in developement, if it will ever come, or its just impossible to implement for some reason. Spending at least an hour a day for active players to re-price items is not exactly a pleasure when we rather play the game.
Last bumped on Nov 7, 2020, 1:45:33 AM
The lack of any info or such was disheartening for consoles. I cannot believe they added to PC without thinking how consoles could benefit - even if it is a “light” version of what PC is getting.
What? My entire post came out blank.

That's super weird.

Anyway, they *are* working on Tab Folders and Tab Affinity for console, and they *have* been thinking about it (and working on it) for a while now. Console support was mentioned a long time ago.

It's just not done yet.
Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Nov 4, 2020, 1:52:40 PM

"We're currently testing the 3.12.4d stash tab affinity patch on Xbox One and PS4. We're aiming to deploy this ASAP after thorough testing is complete on the stash affinity feature. Thanks for your patience and understanding." -Jeff
Last edited by kzl_91#9261 on Nov 7, 2020, 1:46:28 AM

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