Been testing scion bow impale 18 mill dps with under 39ex investment final build

At 13.6 mill dps when my gems level, gonna get another 4 mill from upgrades. AKAImpalehell is the character name my profile is public so you can load it into pob fork. that's the pastebin lvl 100 tree. the gloves were 15c the chest was 15c unlinked. the boots are about 40c and the helm with enchant is 50c when I bought it. the gear is all sub 60c minus the bow and quiver. 2-3 seconds per boss in t15's. I am streaming to raise money for my sisters cancer treatment, she has cancer in both breasts, lymph nodes, as well as possibly behind her eye.
Last edited by AKAShadows on Oct 21, 2020, 12:20:12 PM
Last bumped on Oct 21, 2020, 2:40:07 PM
Im still getting used to evasion based build. been playing max block for 3 leagues.
ALso any questions you can reach me ingame AKAImpaleHell or join my discord that link has 100 uses and is set to never expire. annoying people will be banned.
bump for a solid build
bump for a 3%er build..
Streaming to raise money for my sister's cancer treatment. feel free to stop by. the link to the gofundme is on my twitch.

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