Community Racing's Alternate Start Duos Race - October 24th and 25th 4PM UTC

Hey, everyone!

Rex and I are teaming up to bring the community a new take on an old format. Many of you may remember Alternate Start Events from GGG’s previous Race Seasons such as Winterheart. Current private league limitations restrict our ability to prove a true alt start event, but the premise of the race is to closely embody the spirit of the old races in a new way.

The race will take place over two days. There will be one timed prep day, where racers will level, farm and outfit their characters in the allotted hours. Day two will feature what we are calling the “alt-start” in which all players will begin at the same progression point, at the same level, much like they did in the alt-start races of old. The end point of this race is Awakener 5.

This event also aims to bring back single-sitting end-game boss races that do not borderline into the extremes. The hours on day two will still be arduous, as we’re expecting play hours of 12+ even with a partner. We’re hoping that the format will allow players to be set up and well rested, and we’re further hoping that splitting progression tasks between two players will lighten the load and allow for breaks, food, and stretches.

Joining the Race

This race is open to all Qualified Racers in the PoECR Discord. To join the discord and learn more about the Qualification process, you can use this link here to get there:

Following the Race

Official casting for this event is currently TBD/TBA. I will assist anyone wanting to cast this event with access to our casting tools. Just send me a message!

We’ll be working with Llaw/Faderon of poe-racing to implement new features into the website to make accessing your favorite racer’s stream even easier. More details will follow!

Rules and Information

A full rule sheet for both event days can be found here:

TL;DR Rules:

  • Day One will begin with character creation.
  • Day One will end after five hours have elapsed.
  • Day One will be capped progression-wise before A10 Kitava.
  • Day One will be capped at 437 million experience. This is level 72, with approximately 10% completion towards level 73. If you go beyond this, you must regress back.
  • Materials for Regressing will not be provided.
  • Day Two will begin with A10 Kitava at level ~72.
  • Day Two will end when five duos have defeated Awakener 5.
  • You do not have to be in the boss Arena together unless you want to be.
    Cull is permitted, but ascendancies cannot be changed from initial Ascension.
  • If racers want to engage in normal Heist League content during race down time, they will need to join the race under a racing account.
  • Profiles must be public for the account racers are using in the event.
  • If an account is found to be online during down time, if gear changes, or if XP changes, the duo will be disqualified.
  • Players will be monitored during down time with the use of a tool that is currently in development.
  • These rules are creating the testing environment for the tool, so adhering to them as closely as possible allows for accurate data.

Prize Pool Information

We’ll be using a prize pool for this race, which will be split the following ways:

First - 40%
Second - 25%
Third - 20%
Fourth - 10%
Fifth - 5%

Rex will be starting the prize pool off by chipping in $1000. Thanks, Rex! What a legend!

If you would like to contribute to the prize pool, you can do so here:

Time and Dates
Day One T&D
Day Two T&D

I'm really looking forward to this one! I hope you are, too! We'll be trying to figure out things a bit more solidly over the weekend as far as where to watch, but please remember to always support your favorite racers!

Check me out on Twitch!
All of my builds are here:
Last bumped on Oct 25, 2020, 10:29:32 PM
Big props for making a race with health in mind, something that GGG has never been willing to do!
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
good stuff was a nice race, fun end.

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