Rhexback monsters sand attack ignores sound settings

I am not sure which monster in specific is the issue or if it is both. Out of the Rhexback Raider and Rhexback Spearman. Whenever I saw the sand attack, where sand would form around them and pull towards them in a small radius before shooting a projectile, from a pack of Rhexback the associated sound seemed to be far louder than it should have been with my sound settings. After I finished the map I went to The Vastiri Desert to see if I could replicate the sound issue and I was not able to, but from this I think the mob that was making the attack was a Rhexback Raider. If you require any of my hardware information or have any other questions for me I will do my best to answer them.


Last bumped on Sep 21, 2020, 6:10:52 PM
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