Anyone buying a Xbox Series X on launch?

Let me know. I'm curious how it will perform with PoE.
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Last bumped on Dec 28, 2020, 4:14:17 PM
Auradinho wrote:
Let me know. I'm curious how it will perform with PoE.

Im seriously considering it. I havent quite made up my mind yet. Pre-Order goes live about 20 hours from now. I'll likely make up my mind about 10 minutes before lol.
PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
Yes, hoping I can get my preorder in hours from now...and hoping they optimize this game to take advantage. Still performs fairly poorly on my One X.
Unfortunately all websites out of stock here.
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I bit the bullet the got mine this morning.
PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
Got my pre-order put in yesterday. Couple of buddies that want to get one were not able. I will be upgrading from an X1X with external SSD. I can run some test on it like I did when going from X1X internal HDD to the external SSD that is posted - - if anyone is interested.
TrueAchievements -

XboxClips -
Still out of stock here
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ANYONE BUYING A XBOX SERIES X - Well, yeahh, absolutely, no doubt about it. - ON LAUNCH?? No, most certainly not, at all. Could be a chance for one in January ´22 though. But most likely not before, could stretch to... ´23.
Unless on some kind of occasion one sudden gigantic BOOM Sale coming, which is quite simply too good to pass on.

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