New idea? Stacking poison w/ spells + Voltaxic + Power Charge sinergy

so i kept thinking about what is the best spell for poisoning and i reached the conclusion that although flameblast is the highest Average hit, it is very hard to stack poison and converting to chaos and poison, so in the end Divine ire is the best stacking spell for poison as we can stack as soon we begin charging it

i don't know if anyone else thought of this but since 3.9 Voltaxic Rift got a nice boost for shocking enemies just like the reworked Brainrattler and now we have a new Passive wheel regarding poison with spells, adding that we got easier crit and some nice charge passives with assassin i am trying to prototype some theory build regarding all this data:
i am using the PoB fork version btw

i tested with very crap gear on standard and it worked fine in tier 10 with only 20% of the theoretical damage i can get in the PoB (the damage feels better than an vortex+snap occultist)
but the big downside is that it is very glass canon and the attribute requirement is very high even before adding Zerphi's Heart, which i came to the solution of using the new "Supreme Ostentation" Timeless node

I can't really tell if this build is expensive or not as you can save some currency on niche items and then spending a ton on Awakened Jewels

there is another way to make the build less glassy but it is only available with Hierophant, pumping mana with ivory tower and increasing cost of the skill but the budget skyrockets as we need some really hard-to-get cluster jewels to make up for the damage

i left some other items and stuff for those who want to fiddle a little, you can even get some good poison combined with a higher average on the fully charged beam, but the play stile revolves charging 10~12 in the channeling to always keep moving and avoiding damage, trying to always keep elusive up
only use the fully charged beam when to boss telegraphs the attack

i don't know if i will make this a build thread, but it if i am lucky at the start of the next league i will try it
Last bumped on Sep 15, 2020, 5:16:02 PM
Looks like a cool idea

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