Help please: Miner vs Trapper?

I've been wanting to try one of the two as my next league starter. I have never played either traps or mines. I've played summoners, totems, and your generic melee / ranged, but never mines or traps.
Can someone experienced tell me what plays "better"? My overall criteria for a character is-:
1. Has to be super safe (bad internet + PS4)
2. Not a ridiculous amount of hotkey management, it really sucks on PS4
3. Genuinely budget playstyle. I make like a dozen exalts tops before I'm done with a league, and need something that can at least let me do A5/A6 Sirus level endgame at that budget

Last bumped on Sep 1, 2020, 6:17:27 AM
Mines all the way. Traps are terrible. You will do better, and have more fun playing mines. Ball Lightning mines I believe is the best mines build.
It's situational. Unlike the previous poster, I would not call traps terrible,not at all. They are still quite powerful and can get you to endgame with some investment.

The main difference between mines and traps is the damage.

Mines will simply melt pretty much everything in this game, however it's not exactly what I would call "fun" to play with mines. Key spamming is also needed,there are certain not so much legal workarounds,but if you want to play normally, mines will require you to press detonate every single time, can be fun to put all your mines beforehand,detonate and insta melt pretty much any boss, can be extremely annoying while mapping or delving to throw mines/detonate,throw mines/detonate hundreds...thousands of times.

Traps while do not have the same dps if put side by side with a bit of investment traps can do Sirus8,uber elder,whatever you wish.

Traps in my opinion are safer then mines, but this like I mentioned is situational,in certain situations mines can be safer then traps, but for overall mapping and not doing endgame boss farming, traps are better. You also do not need to keep spamming detonate so that is a plus.

Both can be done with budget or with min maxing and heavy investment. Bang for buck mines are better as the maximum damage you can get for the minimum investment, but for an overall smooth playstlye traps are better.

I played both a couple of times, from my perspective,unless you want to farm uber elder,uber atziri,A8 sirus and so on, there is no need to take mines,as in basic mapping you will really not notice the dps difference. A lightning ball trap will melt trash mobs just as easily as a BL miner. T15 bosses might melt a bit slower with traps than with mines if we are talking about EXACTLY the same amount of currency invested, but they will still melt with ease.
Last edited by Nosferat on Sep 1, 2020, 6:22:12 AM

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