[HSC] Cheap and Efficient Lab Enchant Service

3.11 Harvest SC League Uber Lab Enchant Service.

I will be running uber lab as fast as possible to get you the enchant you want!
All you need to do is,Provide me with these things:

1)The Item you want the enchant on
2)The enchant(s) you want on the item
3)Offering to the goddess in bulk

when i run out of offerings,I will contact you:)

These are the CHEAPEST Prices you will find anywhere:

Boots: 3 Exalts or 7 Exalts for Elemental Penetration/Chaos Damage

Gloves: 3 Exalts

Helmets: 65 Exalts for one specific enchant OR 55 Exalts for 2 possible enchants OR 45 Exalts for 3 Possible enchants

If you're interested in my service, Here is how you can communicate with me:
1. Whisper me in game (IGN is BVBoiInTheHouse)
2. Send me a message on discord: MystryMaster#4241

Current queue:None.
Last edited by PeaceWalker1o1#5650 on Aug 5, 2020, 8:22:01 PM
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2020, 6:07:35 AM

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