Looking for a party/people for MF group play at league start and into the league!
Hello everyone,
i have been playing PoE since Tournament and have many many hours up my sleeves. The last few season i have played less and less because i feel something missing. I have found a little group that i played with for 4 days but they all quited now. (they dont wanna play league start). I have had an insane time with them, it was the most fun i had in a really long time. I have played the MF carry (still have the gear) and i was also the trader/seller. We have done the 100% delirium content for insane profit. Anyway, i have made many mirrors each season now so i know what i am doing. If someone is interested to party up or has a party that is missing a party member, role doesnt really matter. (would even do the trader) Hit me up please. Stay save everyone and have a great second half of the league, hope to see you in wraeclast exiles. Last bumped on Aug 7, 2020, 8:12:36 AM
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Hello fellow Exile,
me and my friends playing since Flashback League and we are planing our first Group season for next league. If u are intrested to explain us how group play works we are down! Obviously we are watching empyrian and his group every league and know the base knowledge. Greets |
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