LF carcass jack

Looking for carcass jack armor. Harvest league. Dont bother posting if u post prices way op like trade market.
Last bumped on Jul 5, 2020, 6:54:10 PM
Sounds like you're sick of your 10c lowballs being rejected tbh.

CJs were going for less than an ex a week ago. If you can't afford that, its time to find a new build.
No im just sick of ppl making the trade market into a real joke. 20% of new players see the market and leave because of stupid ppl highly overpricing every items on there. Apart from that i may only be me but this league's mechanic are simply awfull.
You can farm the div cards man. I agree prices are steep but no one will be willing to sell at a price you can afford considering there items are also selling at a premium

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