Lightning ball vs Glacial Cascade mines

I'm sure a lot of people are considering a miner as the league starter, given how you can set up a lot of DPS before harvesting the monsters.

I like the look of Glacial Cascade but seems like top end miners use Lightning Ball. Is LB inherently better? I imagine it might be better because each mine can damage a single target multiple times (not shotgun, just a slow moving ball zapping the bosses multiple times), as well as not needing conversion to get full damage.

Please explain to me why LB seems to be the favorite?

Last bumped on Jun 12, 2020, 12:43:17 PM
BL mines are simpler to build and their aoe saturates areas in a better way than GC is capable of since BL can multihit throughout the entire life of the projectile. Lightning can scale better due to Shock as well. Someone who's actually built BL mines could explain this more clearly -- I only ever built BL as a self-caster.
Last edited by Moerlin on Jun 12, 2020, 2:34:17 AM
Ball Lightning is just easier to scale, damage wise, and has good clear for a mine skill. For one, as you stated a single BL mine project hits an enemy approximately 13 times when it passes through them. Then, you have to look at conversion for damage, it goes lightning -> cold -> fire -> chaos. With ball lightning you can convert the damage multiple times and you can convert it to any other element since it's at the beginning of the conversion chart. Call of the Brotherhood rings convert lightning to cold at a higher percentage than The Pyre ring converts cold to fire, so it boosts the damage more especially on builds the utilize the eternity shroud which essentially double dips and converts pre-converted lightning damage AND post converted lightning damage to chaos (effectively doubling your damage in some cases). The main reason though, is just that ball lightning has a much better single target DPS than glacial cascade. Glacial cascade is still completely viable and it clears well and is good for mining with shatter at deeper depths, but boss damage isn't as good. The "shock" factor of ball lightning isn't usually a factor though since most use skitter bots to apply shock due to one of the more powerful mine supports (i'm forgetting the name) not allowing BL to apply shock as a tradeoff for more damage.

The simple answer is just that Ball Lightning is better. Glacial Cascade is still very good though and you don't have to follow the meta of Pyre clast mine OR Ball lightning mine; there's lots of other mine builds out there and most of them are capable of instaphasing sirus if you get enough mine stacks.
Last edited by MuTayShuN on Jun 12, 2020, 12:21:40 PM
OK thanks guys, your replies confirm what I suspected. Each BL mine sticks around and actually do DPS longer while each GC mine blows its load and that's it.

One thing with GC mines that's good is linking Skitterbots with Bonechill, so the target takes like another 35-40%? more damage for 7% mana reservation, which is pretty awesome.

Now if there was a way to tone down that BZZT sound BL mines make... :D

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