Feedback after 1 month

Hello, after having played the game on PC way back in like 2013/2014 (or sometime around that) i was thrilled to see the game finally coming to masterrace plattform, uh i mean ps4 :)

ive played quite a bit during the last month. 2 chars at 88, 1 more around 70ish and 2 at 50-60 so i thought id share my impressions of this port.

first the good:
its PoE... on a 60" TV while chilling on the couch. amazing!

however i have quite a few points of critique to make here unfortunately.

1) the performance. its alright during the campaign and early mapping, however once you start running red maps with 20% quality and a few fragments the fps drops alot. if the map happens to include mobs that shoot projectiles it drops even more. if you also happen to have the extra projectiles mod on the map we´re talking one digit fps territory. that is simply unacceptable and i have no idea how that could slip through QA unnoticed.

2) crashes. in the last 4 years ive had maybe a total of 3-4 crashes, first on the ps4 then on the ps4 pro COMBINED. PoE however has days when it can crash 5+ times by itself. seriously how is that even possible. i could understand if this was happening on the pc version since its an inferior plattform with many different hardware configurations to consider which ofc makes coding a game properly quite alot harder. lets not even think of different driver versions or OS´s etcetc.
on a console however you have ONE configuration to consider. ONE... there is a reason why console games hardly EVER crash. so let me ask again, how could this slip through QA? actually at this point i need to ask, do you even have a QA department?

3) the market. i mean, i dont even know what to say. do you seriously expect ppl to scan through 100´s of pages ? how hard is it to implement some filters? and honestly who thought its a good idea to highlight stuff you´re searching for instead of only showing the stuff you´re searching for and therefor reduce the amount of pages that need to be scrolled through drastically. this is a total nobrainer.
and really, filters! add them, loads of them!
this again makes me question the existence of a QA department.

or maybe you simply dont give a fox.

Last edited by Boyozz#5452 on May 27, 2020, 1:58:16 AM
Last bumped on May 27, 2020, 1:51:40 AM

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