Nastypeon's SSF Sirus Kill race

What's up everyone

I'm making a Sirus kill race. It's happening in SSF delirium with a prize pool of 10-20$ maybe a cool mtx or a small pack.

the league stat Saturday at noon gmt. Please click the link for the countdown.

the only goal/rule is to kill Sirus.

to be eligible for the prize you must post a screenshot or a short video with the map overlay showing the league(1), your character screen(2) and the loot from sirus kill(3).

Right now there's 4 people signed up and 6 place available. ill add more if necessary

small requirement: 2 character level 90+, one must be in delirium league.

I'll use global 9002 to say hi to people.
Last edited by NastypeonYT#1845 on May 8, 2020, 8:25:05 AM
Last bumped on May 10, 2020, 3:04:11 PM
can you open crowdfunding for more spots please
well, when he come online i'll try to convince him to do so, but i doubt someone will be still interested by that point =)
See u in global 9002
good luck! :)
This would be fun. Any chance to letting join?
Race Over we have a winner =)

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