PC 40x exalts, 1500x chaos for Xbox currency.

Anyone interested in a swap. Not sure if this would work. Does not have to be equal. Rather play on console but don't want to start with nothing mid season.
Last bumped on May 3, 2020, 7:56:05 PM
Don't do it, console is the worst. Graphic can't handle all the graphics and drops. You will orb of regret it.
I played Metamorph on Xbox last season. Built a high end PC for this season. Each has thier pros and cons. Way easier on PC. But I enjoyed console way more.

The bots devalue everything on PC. Theres more bots then players. I'll be moving back to console next season either way.

Performance will be solved in like 4-5 months with next gen consoles. I have a 2080 super and game still runs bad for the hardware I use.

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