Rituel-SC Uber Lab. Enchant Service - Loading.. - Will be online in first week

Hi! This is Ceyl
Welcome to my uber lab enchant service.

I will run the Ethernal Labrint (aka uber lab) for you with my dedicated lab runner.

The most basic explanation for this service is: My time, your enchant.

For any information or question, you can check below

★★ Whisper: My IGN: Ceyl_Prime
Please make sure you add me your friends list in-game and discord for contanct any time

Current Status:


1_ Available
2_ Available

★Boots **

1_ Available
2_ Available

**Boots orders have priorty vs helms. Since hiting the right enchant is much more easier then helm enchants, I will always complete them first.

Current Fees for your orders

★Boots: 2 Exalts for any enchant

★Helm: Will depend on your helmet. Make sure you link your item to me.


Helm Enchantments:

Boots Enchantments:

Uber Lab ladder:(DSC)

Whisper @EnchantService_DSC_Ceyl with the enchant you need. Then we talk about the materials and the fee..

Information about the process

We have 2 options here:
- Enchants on general crafting bases (ilvl 84/86 pieces)
- Enchants on specific items (like crafted helmets, perfect unique boots etc.)

Depending on your order, the service fee will be change.

Regardless of these, the process is work like this:

1_ You provide the item, offerings, and Twice Enchant prophecies to me
2_ I will keep your item in a separate stash tab dedicated to your order.
You can check FAQ for more
3_ I'm going to run all sets for your enchant and inform you until we hit your order.

Done. Logic is basic ^^

Information about me and the build


★★ Joined in 2013, I've been farming uber lab since its release and decided to do it as a service since I'm always in it..

Pace: The build that im playing is designed to run the labyrinth as fast as possible.
Running with %500+ movement speed and passing Izaro phases without letting him move (saving lots of time).
Also you can check the ladder and see my name too.

Important Notes and FAQ: Please read here for all your concerns

As a normal player, I can guess what do you think about the reliability or how can you ensure yourself about on going services. So I write every detail and advantages for you..

I will link every result to you, ofc if we both online at the same time.

Discord. Come and ask for a check if you want, maybe I can show an example run to you so you can see what I am talking about ;D

! The mighty question !

How long it will take ?..

tldr: Nobody knows.

BUT; as you can see in spoilers above;

-I can run the lab independently from the current layout with sub 4min.s runs, maybe even 2:xx on good days and my play time is around 5h a day (ofc much more if I have more free time to chill)

-Twice Enchant porphecies will cut the time incredibly, so pls invest them.

-I'm keeping an order list with maximum of 2 order, so always remember that: I will do my best to finish yours asap to
a) get my money faster
b) take new orders.

I want to be a part of your gg items so we can flex together to casuals. ^^

IGN: Ceyl_Prime
Discord: Ceyl | Mehmet#2572
(please do not forget to mention that you come from the forum post)

If everything is good, will make a showcase section as we go.
I will add some screenshots for char. and result info etc.

Last edited by DannyBoyy#3463 on Jan 14, 2021, 6:21:07 PM
Last bumped on May 13, 2020, 4:00:34 AM
Looking for a 12% storm brand pen enchant on my helm :)
Great guy. Yestarday I handed him a very expensive helmet, he run the lab 50ish times until i had to log out (with no luck sadly we all know helm enchants are cancer). Although I had no problem leaving it to him, he insisted to give it back to me and start trying again today. I gave him a tip for the unlucky runs and had to insist for him to take it!
100% trustworthy, he linked every try to me while chit-chatting and running like a hare. Oh and the fee asked was totaly honest.

Btw bro, I hit the jackpot this morning :D

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