spicey food confuses the body, decieves the mind.

notice when you have crazy hot wings your intestines
insist on getting their way cause the pain is a 2 out of 10?

then when the deed is done... the actuator of the deed is
screaming in pain? 9/10?

you need to have some perspective colon. stop insisting on
burning the sh@@ out of the.... erm... actuator.
Last bumped on Apr 25, 2020, 7:32:51 AM
Don't blame the humors of your body for your inability to remember?

Just saying....


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I love hot food. I tell my wife she needs to learn Thai cooking. I order 10 every time I go the the local places. I have bottles of habenero, siracho, and other hot sauces to put on everything.

Personally I believe food is just a delivery device for sauce.

I dont care if you eat fries with ketchup/ranch or hot sauces like I do You know it's true - sauces rule.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 23, 2020, 1:33:53 AM
A family friend used to carry around a bottle of special "Chris sauce" that was likely pure capsaicin or something, because he'd become immune to it; or built up such a huge tolerance for it, he could no longer taste it. Anyone else ever touched that sauce or his food, and they might wind up in hospital.

OTOH I had a Thai friend in HS who went out with us to an Indian restaurant. He and another friend insisted on ordering a buncha stuff with max levels of chillies. The food arrived and they both sat there, sweating and eyes watering, pushing the items back and forth to each other. There was some hollering and coughing/gasping as well.

Finally one of the cooks came out and gently suggested that food isn't about being macho or proving anything, it's about enjoying what you're eating and getting value from your time and money.

While many would feel that was not the cook's place to say anything to a customer, I think he'd probably seen plenty of high schoolers wander over and prove their mettle with super spicy foods, most of which probably went entirely to waste.

I have a fairly high capsicum tolerance, but don't make a point of pushing that personal limit lightly. It takes skill to use high amounts of chilli peppers in food without drowning out the balance of flavours in a thick fog of heat. I haven't got the skills to do it, and nobody else in the house would touch it.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
I ate 5 and a half Suicide Tenders for my birthday one time. I was just dumping sweat and shivering like crazy in 90 degree weather the whole way home. Ended up stopping at a Dunkin Donuts to puke my brains out in the bathroom.

There was a security guard (Mass Dunkins apparently have those) standing outside the bathroom listening to it. He had this huge smirk on his face when I came out. We'd asked him for directions on the way through so he knew what had happened.

That was my favorite birthday present ever. The chicken lasted well over a week too, just slowly nibbling them at night as a snack.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Endorphins are the spice of life.
You won't get no glory on that side of the hole.
Aim_Deep wrote:
I love hot food. I tell my wife she needs to learn Thai cooking. I order 10 every time I go the the local places. I have bottles of habenero, siracho, and other hot sauces to put on everything.

Personally I believe food is just a delivery device for sauce.

I dont care if you eat fries with ketchup/ranch or hot sauces like I do You know it's true - sauces rule.

The primary things for eating are:
in this order

1. taste (sauce as you say)
2. chewing itself
3. feeling full (not feeling hunger)

Obesity prooves this order is correct, otherwise people wouldnt care about anything and would be lean and fit.
I swear if they make some maven "Simon says" insta-death minigame, sirus, exarch ball minigame then i wont play poe2.

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