My problem with the Sirus fight

So I still can't beat final phase, build does fine with everything else, its definitely a me or game design problem. So I manage to dodge beams admist the spinning wheel of AIDS but I cant find him. I never see him, I use AOE skil i try spamming areas hes never hit. I also notice my golem never locates him. It appears wherever I go he's offscreen .

Last league I'd get a chance to hit him when he put me in corridor, but he just repeats spin phase over n over. I mean I think with skeletons or a skill that autotrack's or if i was supertnky i could do this. but dude just isnt there this happens every fight I dunno. I'll keep trying but fight was bad last league now it seems broken. I love the 4 conqueror i get depressed when Sirus spawns.
Last bumped on Apr 21, 2020, 4:25:30 AM
I yes this is very very big problem.. this fuc**** auto +++++ zoom in the last stage.. its really very shi* when u must avoid laser dmg + sirius and u dont see where is sirus because this zoom is very very approached
Last edited by R4mpaMckvak#8530 on Apr 21, 2020, 4:25:43 AM

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