since the bridge nerf exalts don't drop , you did not nerf the bridge area you nerfed the drop rate of exalts , console players support the community by buying microtransactions and playing the game they also stream . So why are we being punished . no exalts no gear no play no spend . get it together please , pc , ps4 , xbox 1 , no matter which we should all be equal .
Last bumped on Apr 17, 2020, 2:55:24 PM
I know RNG is RNG but there might be something to this. I normally will have gotten 4+ raw Ex drops by now in the league but have only had 1 drop so far and that was a week ago
I don't know if you saw in my stream this morning, but I did get seen exalt to drop
I find this ridiculous. I have had 5 exalts drop in a very regular and consistent manner after the bridge nerf which was a while ago. Idk what you’re talking about. You’re probably just unlucky. To have any evidence to backt his up you would need a sample size of alto more than just yourself.

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