Leap Slam stopped working with swords

Hello, this is a new problem on console.

I hope I'm not the only one here, but all of sudden, leap slam stopped working with swords, all swords. I've tried 1 handed and 2 handed, rotated through 6 swords I had, and none of them are working with leap slam. Axe still works just fine, it's just swords that wont let me use leap slam.

Last bumped on Apr 1, 2020, 3:36:49 PM
Nvm, I didn't realize shockwave support would keep leap slam from working, instead of shockwave just not applying.

Maybe they can release a hot fix to disable the shockwave support in that interaction, that would be nice.
You need to post Xbox bugs down in the Console bug forum, not up here. This is PC only.

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