Delving Issue PS4
I am trying to delve but flares and dynamite are not showing up as equipable skills. I have max stacks of both items.
Last bumped on Mar 28, 2020, 6:51:55 PM
" You need to equip them by pressing R3 like you do with your skills. |
What i mean is that i cannot R3 them into my skills because they do not show up on the skills tab at all even when I am in the voltaxic mines.
" Mmm did you buy them in the first place? Did you try, after pressing R3, to switch pressing L2 and R2? That's all that come to my mind. |
Maybe it has something to do with the new league because i was able to use dynamite and flares in metamorph league but it just doesnt appear for me now which is odd.